Best Shot

Best Shot Lemon-Aid Shampoo: 3.8L

Best Shot Lemon-Aid Shampoo: 3.8L
Best Shot

Best Shot Lemon-Aid Shampoo: 3.8L

Best Shot Lemon-Aid shampoo features a pH balanced blend of gentle cleaners, Oatmeal protein, and Jojoba oil that soothe sensitive skin, fight dandruff, and dramatically enhances elasticity and moisture retention.

Best Shot Lemon-Aid shampoo hydrates each hair follicle and closes the cuticle so you can expect superior conditioning of both coat and skin, exceptional body and manageability, significant static reduction, and improved gloss and sheen for a stunning appearance. Recommended for silky drop coated breeds prone to static, as well as smooth coated breads. It will notably enhance black and dark coats naturally. Works great with recirculating power bath systems too!

Use together with Ultra Plenish and Ultra Vitalizing Mist for guaranteed results!

(7:1 dilution for de-matting, otherwise up to 14:1)

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