Clipper Blade Sharpening

The professional sharpening of your grooming clipper blades and scissors is a precise and skilled task. When it is done properly, it enables you to work faster and more efficiently. Your equipment lasts longer – and it also makes your grooming more enjoyable.
Yet, often we encounter groomers who come to us for help and advice because they have had their blades or scissors ruined by others simply because they have been incorrectly sharpened or adjusted.
Clipper blade set-up
When a blade is being sharpened, it must be reset precisely for the make of clipper that it is to be used on. Even though blade manufacturers say that their blades will fit several other manufacturers' clippers, they may need to be adjusted to fit a specific clipper properly. A good sharpener should always ask what clipper the blade is being used on and set the blade accordingly.
Large animal blades, hairdressing blades and snap-on blades are all sharpened differently, and it is essential that your sharpener is sharpening each blade type properly.
Recommended professional blade sharpening service
We only recommend Anglia Clipper Services for blade and scissor sharpening. All items for sharpening must be accompanied by a completed information form. This PDF form helps you to provide the correct information for your blades and scissors.