Best Shot

Best Shot M.E.D Rain Rot Skin Treatment: 946ml

Best Shot M.E.D Rain Rot Skin Treatment: 946ml
Best Shot

Best Shot M.E.D Rain Rot Skin Treatment: 946ml

Best Shot M.E.D Rain Rot Skin Treatment is a proven antiseptic herbal treatment for the natural healing of upper body skin infections commonly referred to as Rain Rot or Rain Scald, and lower body infections referred to as Mud Fever, Cracked Heels, Scratches, Greasy Heel, Mud Rash or Dew Poisoning. Its blend of natural ingredients including Eucalyptus, Aloe, Camphor Oil, Wintergreen and Isopropynol stops the organism responsible, discourages biting insects which may spread the infection from horse to horse, and promotes healing.

Best Shot M.E.D Rain Rot Skin Treatment accelerates recovery from associated wounds, soothes burns, and eases pain. Used as an antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal remedy restores healthy skin and coat.

Promotes cell regeneration to help prevent scarring.

We recommend using in conjunction with M.E.D. Shampoo before applying Rain Rot Treatment and M.E.D. Topical spray to prevent re-occurrence.

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Ruth Burne

Both of my horses (TB's) were suffering from a horrific skin problem which I was into my 8th week with. Their hair and skin was literally peeling off like a snake and they were covered in scabs. Despite veterinary tests and treatment I couldn't get on top of it and a friend spotted this product online. I cannot believe the immediate transformation. In less than a week their skin had started to heel and the hair was growing back. 2 weeks on and both horses now have their lovely coats back and are happy again. Every grooming kit should keeps this in stock. An amazing product. Smells fantastic too and really works. Thanks Technogroom for stocking it and for your help, advice and quick delivery.

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